Ontario Elementary Grade 1 Mathematics Curriculum
The following are highlights of student learning in Grade 1. They are provided to give teachers and parents a quick overview of the mathematical knowledge and skills that students are expected to acquire in each strand in this grade.
Number Sense and Numeration: representing and ordering whole numbers to 50; establishing the conservation of number; representing money amounts to 20¢; decomposing and composing numbers to 20; establishing a one-to-one correspondence when counting the elements
in a set; counting by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s; adding and subtracting numbers to 20
Measurement: measuring using non-standard units; telling time to the nearest half-hour; developing a sense of area; comparing objects using measurable attributes; comparing objects using non-standard units; investigating the relationship between the size of a unit and the
number of units needed to measure the length of an object
Geometry and Spatial Sense: sorting and classifying two-dimensional shapes and three dimensional figures by attributes; recognizing symmetry; relating shapes to other shapes, to designs, and to figures; describing location using positional language
Patterning and Algebra: creating and extending repeating patterns involving one attribute; introducing the concept of equality using only concrete materials
Data Management and Probability: organizing objects into categories using one attribute; collecting and organizing categorical data; reading and displaying data using concrete graphs and pictographs; describing the likelihood that an event will occur
This is an excerpt from the original document. Intention is to quickly help you look at the curriculum and find related worksheets. For complete details and to download original document, please visit - http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/grades.html